Lots of people have been asking, "What's going on with AspireKids?" so I thought it was time for an update. So far, there has been paperwork.
Lots and lots of paperwork.
There's also been our first board meeting (looking for a few more members if you are interested!), 501c3 filing, an application for California non-profit status, and we have a bank account! Productive, yes... fun... not really. There has been lots of reading and studying what it takes to start a successful non-profit which is fun for me. I am a lover of learning so anytime I can take in more information about something new I'm all in!
But in the middle of all the typing and filing I am working on a marketing and fundraising plan. That is where the fun begins. I can't wait to get the word out about what we plan to do with AspireKids. I am beyond excited about giving out our first scholarship. It'll be the best check I'll ever write.
There are so many great ideas swimming around in my head. I can't wait to share more of them as they make their way from my brain to plans on paper to real events where we can help Aspiring Kids!
