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One Life... Live it!

Jodi Mottashed

Six years ago my then 6 year-old son, Mason, told me that he didn’t think it was fair that some kids couldn’t do all the things he could do, and he wanted to fix that. Over the last six years we’ve talked about ways to make it happen... one day...but work, sports, school all took priority. Until this week. After months and weeks of contemplating, journaling and praying, I quit my job after 25 years in the mortgage industy and we are all in! Over the next few months we are going to build the foundation for Aspire Kids and we will be helping to make dreams accessible. Through scholarships for sports, music and art camps and lessons, team fees and equipment we will give kids a chance to do all the things they aspire to do.

Already, doors are opening for us on this incredible adventure. We can’t wait to share what is yet to come! #aspirekidssac #dreambig #makingdreamsaccessible #kidscandoamazingthings #letthemhaveavoice

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